I have spent a considerable amount of time during 2014 developing an online introductory course to animal behaviour aimed at everybody interested in understanding and using evolutionary thinking to analyse some of the very fascinating behaviours expressed by animals. I am glad to say that the course is now finished and will be run by the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education for the first time in January 2015 and the scheduled to run 2 or 3 times per year. Online the free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS) this course is tutor-led and include significant interactions between students and the tutor (which in most cases will probably be me), so unfortunately it is not possible to offer the course for free.

While I have attempted to cover behaviours in a wide range of different animals, I must admit that I failed to completely suppress my love of spiders, so I am afraid that the course does contain some spider related examples and activities.

You can find more information and enroll in the course by visiting the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education’s website.